Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm beamin'

I have been slightly busy this week with work and volunteering and meetings and my mentor upped our Arabic sessions from 3 to 4 times a week! Thanks to him I now know how to read, write, and say all 28 characters (29 if you use the hemze)
I have approximately 30 something mintues left before I enter my 26th fall.

Best of all I have Friday-Monday off of work!

No, best BEST of all I have something planned for each day that I'm off.
No, best best BEST of all I heard today on the radio that the one and only Lupe Fiasco is coming to a town near me for a concert. I will SO be there. Front. And. Center. 

I am so happy and feel so blessed to have seen this year come. (I've kinda been through a lot...). I am so excited to see what this year holds...the good and bad :)

I'll be back Monday with pictures from my birthday(s) hah! Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!

XO, Chloe'